Mad About Afghanistan? Consider All The 9/11 Anomalies First


Our current situation is what happens when you accept nonsense as truth

If people paid attention to all the hypocrisy, lies, nonsense, double standards, corruption, and so on back then... Then we wouldn't be in the situation we are in now

Compare the video below to the Covid nonsense this past year.

BeWaRe tHe OmEgA VaRiAnT!!1! I hear it comes from a sweatshop in Burundi!1! It's the most dangerous of all!!1!1!

This shit ends when you stop complying, and start looking in the mirror.

I truly hope any American soldiers in Afghanistan get out safe... But do not forget what has just happened, nor how ALL this started. It's all built on nonsense.

Never forget that they have just shown you what they really think of you, and these past 1.5 years with all of us

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