Small Business Plan To Open March 1st 2021


Take your power back, and let the customers decide

I don't own a brick and mortar store, but if I did, I'd still be participating. I still haven't worn a mask this entire time, and I've been treated like absolute shit. And it came to the point around December where I just threaten to sue people individually almost every time I go into a store... Funny how I've never worn one, and I'm still not dead yet. And how I've been eating raw meat, raw milk, raw eggs, and raw fish pretty much every day for the past 16 years, and I'm still not dead yet (the opposite happened).... The brain dead sheeple still can't answer, nor do they even want proof they're being lied to. They want to believe everything the TV tells them without question.

"Mask mouth" is also a thing now you know...

It gives die-hard maskholes periodontal disease.

Every store I go into, I always bring some little cards with me to show proof they're being lied to: videos of media / gov hypocrisy, current statistics, past statistics being the same, flu deaths dropping to nothing, etc... The only people who ever want one are sane people knowing they're being lied to.

Example: funny how "tHe vIrUs!1!!" takes a timeout when you eat at a restaurant.... They want you to social distance 6ft away at an airport, but 30 minutes later when everyone's on the plane, you sit right next to everyone else. Getting everyone to agree to ridiculous "rules" is partly how Communism works.

༼ຈل͜├┬┴┬┴ Psst! Hey kid! Jesus is King! Don't be afraid to contact me if you need some programming / web sites / web apps. I can make pretty much anything, and even made a free GoFundMe clone back in 2019 because I saw the censorship coming. Also consider signing up to my email list and RSS/Atom feed, Brighteon or BitChute channels, and following me on my social medias.


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