Destroy Windows 10 Spying Issues


Windows 10 has spyware by default

In case you didn't know, Windows 10 crapped the bed by making its own spyware as a default part of it's Operating System. Windows Cortana - an Apple Siri knock off - frequently sends your data to Windows servers so it can send you more annoying ads and other garbage.

Whose to say that this info they collect about you won't be used against you in the future?? With all the stuff from Edward Snowden and the stuff recent ex-Google employees like Zachary Vorhies revealed, big tech companies should always be viewed with distrust.

If you have Windows 10, let's start with the basics and begin fixing this.

Change your privacy settings

  1. Click the Windows icon in the corner.
  2. Click the Settings gear icon on the side.
  3. Click Privacy.
  4. Go through every item on the left, turn everything off, clear all history, and when Windows wants feedback on certain options, make sure Never is selected.

Disable Cortana From The Registry

  1. Create a restore point by typing restore point into cortana. When the window pops up, select the System Protection tab, and click Create at the bottom. Describe it, such as "before tool run" (which is in the next step). No need to add the day, that will be automatic. Here's an example if you need help.
  2. Go the the nice article here, ctrl + f, and type Turn off Cortana completely. Read from there on to follow the directions to do so. REMEMBER: There is an option there for Windows 10 Home and Pro versions. Choose your version of Windows. The Pro version is easier if you have it.

Use a free privacy tool to turn off / tweak invisible tracking settings

  1. Even after doing all the above, Windows will still spy on you. To fix it easily, you must download and use a free tool to disable Windows sending info you type to their servers. You see, whenever you type something in cortana or use Windows services, it will send whatever you type to certain IP addresses that Windows has set. This tool edits those files to make it so your data goes nowhere.
  2. For the easy way, go to the link above and download, or the newest version of it. That will give you an exe file with the option to revert back any changes if you like (you should also have the restore point you just created). If you decide to go with the source code zip file, you will need Python installed on your computer to run it, and it will be harder to run correctly.
  3. Right click the exe, and Run as administrator.
  4. I suggest you click the radio buttons Service Method: Disable and Mode: Privacy... And the boxes you select are at least Services, Clear DiagTrack log, Telemetry, Block tracking domains, and Block tracking IP addresses at a bare minimum. Hover each box to know where issues may arise. For example, one option can cause issues with Skype.
  5. Click Go! and let it do it's thing.
  6. If you want to revert, open the exe file again.

I hope this helps in taking back your privacy.

And if anyone needs any web apps or a web site that doesn't censor you for unpopular opinions, contact me.


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